Risk intelligence provides a powerful new paradigm for corporate governance. When boards of directors work in partnership with leadership teams to determine their organization’s “true north, sale ” sustainable long-term growth, environment of inspiration, and enhanced brand equity follow.
Ask Better Questions™
By transforming boardrooms into state-of-the-art cockpits equipped with essential knowledge, information and tools, we help boards of directors set the right course for their organizations—guiding them through changing environments and continually redefining the desired role of risk in the business model:
- Capitalize on the “Future That Already Happened” — Using broad systemic knowledge and risk intelligence to evaluate dominant economic and competitive trends that impact strategy and risk taking
- Evolve the Value Proposition — Helping boards and executive teams collaborate on reshaping and evolving the firm’s value proposition and business model as external environments change
- Align Growth, Risk, and Culture — Dynamically managing the firm-wide portfolio of risks to meet growth objectives, mitigate threats, and deliver lasting economic performance
- Protect and Strengthen the Brand — Ensuring directors, executives, and employees act in concert, fully aligned with the corporate vision and values – for the benefit of all stakeholders and society.
Risk-intelligent corporate governance creates new ways of thinking about strategy – illuminating strengths and risks within the business model to help navigate emerging trends and opportunities while defending against surprises and financial ruin. When boards of directors ask the right questions about the firm’s strategy and risks – and act accordingly – they fulfill their fiduciary duty and ensure lasting value creation.